Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Girls Gone Wise Book Blog 2: Counsel

Chapter 2
You can find the video book blog at www.girlsgonewise.com or you can watch it at the end of this post!
  1. Read the second point of contrast between a Wild and a Wise Thing (Pages 35-44)
  2. Download and complete the Chapter Questions for Personal Reflection
  3. Take the Media Reduction Challenge
  4. Post your comments on the Blog
  • Do you agree or disagree that “you’ll become what you expose yourself to”?
  • Do you think you’ve been influenced by things you’ve seen? How?
  • What adjustments have you made (do you want to make) to your media intake?
My responses to the questions above. Comment if you have anything you would like to add!

1. I agree that you'll become what you expose yourself to. You might not think it could ever happen, but it is easy to become desensitized to what you put yourself around (see, hear, and think about). Just like Mary Kassian said, it is a slow, steady drip, drip, drip, and then by the time you have been exposed to something 30 times you have it imbedded in your mind and thoughts.

2. Yes, I think I have been influenced by the things I have seen. I will never forget watching a movie with a group of friends in high school one Friday night. It was a violent movie, one that I didn't want to watch. There was a very violent scene where someone was killed, and to this day it still send shivers up my spine when something makes me remember it. I hate that it is stuck in my head. I think things we watch influence us; our moods, what we want to buy, eat, etc.

3. I have already made some adjustments in the last week by limiting my "media" intake. I cut down the amount of time I spent watching television. I thought that this would be something that would be incredibly hard for me, but surprisingly it wasn't been hard at all. I have found other things to do and occupy my time. Now, when I have actually been sitting down to watch TV I haven't even been finding it as enjoyable. I keep thinking of all the other things I would like to be doing.
The next step for me is to cut back on my internet time. I spend too much time on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. It occured to me as I was listening to to this video that we are influenced by both bad and good "dripping" influencers. As we are walking down our path of life others can easily see what is influencing our lives the most. Eccl. 10:3 says, "Even when the fool walks along the road, his heart lacks sense, and he shows everyone he is a fool." I don't think any of us want to be seen as a fool. Most of us, including myself, have already been there and found that it's not the picture we want others to see. In my year 2000 scrapbook I wanted to poke fun at the Y2K scare. I put a photo in of Steve and myself sitting on our basement stairs holding jugs of water with a lantern and Coleman stove at our feet. I liked the picture of him but I was having a bad hair day so I stuck a Y2K Bug sticker over my head on the picture. The point is we need to live our lives in such a way that we don't have a need to "cover up" what is really inside. Not only do we need to turn off the faucet of negative influencers but we need to turn up the faucet on the positive. I think this Book blog is a great first step! We need to intentionally look for ways to fill our heads with the positive. Begin each day by reading the Bible and praying for God's guidance. Then grab hold of the arm of a good influencer to help you walk the path. Of course there is no stronger arm than that of Jesus.
