Hey Girls! I am going to be reading the book Girls Gone Wise in World Gone Wild! I am hoping that you all will join me. The book is by Mary Kassian and she is going to be doing a video blog twice a week to go along with the book. It sounds like a lot of fun. Here is a little note from her below.I’m inviting you to study the “Girls Gone Wise” book online with me on the Girls Gone Wise Video Book Blog. The Video Book Blog will start on May 18, 2010, right here on GirlsGoneWise.com, and also on TrueWoman.com. We’ll study the book chapter by chapter. Twice a week, I’ll post a new video blog. You can watch the video blog, read the corresponding chapter, answer some questions for personal reflection, and discuss the chapter online with others. It’s a great way to learn. Plan to join in–it’ll be a lot of fun!
I just ordered my book off of Amazon.com and it was only $10.19. I hope you will all want to join me! I will also be posting on this blog my responses to the book, and would love to have you all do so as well and have an ongoing dialogue/discussion about the book. Let me know if you are thinking about joining me! Go to the website Girls Gone Wise if you would like to check it out!
I would love to join your little book club. I will order the book and look for the video blogs!